1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
Why Choose a PMI Certification?
You may have seen other project management certifications. What makes PMI’s special?
Our credentials:
Are flexible. PMI certifications are not based on one specific methodology, so they’re flexible and adaptable. You can easily transfer them between industries, market segments and geographic locations.
Keep you up-to-date. PMI continually conducts in-depth studies to ensure that our credentials actually reflect the current skills, knowledge and best practices you need to succeed.
Encourage professional growth. You never have to worry about a PMI certification becoming obsolete. Our certification maintenance program requires you to earn professional development units (PDUs), which encourages you to continually develop your skills and stay current as the profession changes.
Help you get ahead. PMI certification offers financial benefits — the Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential increases your salary by up to 10%, according to the PMI Salary Survey — Sixth Edition, 2009—and helps you stand out and better market yourself to prospective employers.
Are renowned throughout the world. Part of that marketability comes from the prestige of PMI certifications. PMI has provided project management certifications for over 25 years, and our PMP® credential was the first one designed specifically for project managers.
Learn more by downloading our “What Sets PMI Certifications Apart” brochure. Choose the location closest to you: North America | Brazil | United Kingdom | Germany | China | India
There’s no doubt that a PMI certification opens doors to success. Decide which PMI certification is right for you.
renowned: adj. de renombre, conocido.
brochure : s. folleto.
throughout: prep. en todo,por todo.
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
Dar a conocer la importancia del por qué de la certificación del PMI.
3.Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
Palabras de contenido: methodology,certification.
Palabras de Función: of,for.
Verbos: may have seen,makes,are.
Adverbio: continually,specifically.
Adjetivo: flexible, adaptable.
Artículo: the.
Preposiciones:between, on.
Conjunción: and
Cognados verdaderos: prestige,certification, credential.
cognados Falsos: conducts.
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
1.PMI certifications are not based on one specific methodology, so they’re flexible and adaptable.
Frase nominal: PMI certifications.
Nucleo de la frase nominal: certifications.
pre modificadores: PMI
post modificadores:
Frase verbal: are not based on one specific methodology, so they’re flexible and adaptable.
Nucleo de la frase verbal: are not based.
Tiempo verbal: voz pasiva.
2.You never have to worry about a PMI certification becoming obsolete.
Frase nominal: You never.
Nucleo de la frase nominal: You.
pre modificadores:
post modificadores: never.
Frase verbal:have to worry about a PMI certification becoming obsolete.
Nucleo de la frase verbal: have to worry.
Tiempo verbal: presente simple.
sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
UNIDAD 2 : Estructura de la Oración
Management Planning and Control Systems
Step 1: Setting Performance Standards
Performance standards may be set by staff or managers, by managers and staff, or by managers with input from employees whose performance is being measured. The last method is the best because employees believe that line and staff do not have enough information about the conditions of various jobs to set realistic standards.
Managers should see that objectives and standards are measurable and that individuals are held accountable for their accomplishment. The level of difficulty should be challenging but within the capabilities of the employee. Standards set too low are usually accomplished but not exceeded, while standards set too high usually do not motivate the employee to expend much effort to reach the goal.
1.Escribe cúal es la idea principal y escribe con tus propias palabras el texto en español.
La idea principal: El mejor método para el establecimiento de estandares de desempeño son las que son fijadas por los administradores con aporte de los empleados, los cuales estan siendo medidos su desempeño, porque la linea staff no tienen la suficiente información sobre las diferentes condiciones de trabajo para fijar estandares de desempeño.
Paso 1: Establecimiento de Estandares de desempeño
El establecimiento de estandares de desempeño pueden ser fijadas por los directores, gerentes o por los administradores con aporte de los empleados , los cuales estan siendo medido su desempeño. El último método es el mejor porque los empleados creen que la linea staff no tienen la suficiente información para los diferentes condiciones de trabajo y asi establecer estandares realistas.
Los gerentes deben ver que los objetivos y las normas medibles y que los individuos son responsables de su realización. El nivel de dificultad debe ser un reto, pero dentro de las capacidades del empleado. Normas demasiado bajo son por lo general realizadas, pero no superadas, mientras que las normas demasiado altas por lo general no motivan a los empleados a dedicar mucho esfuerzo para llegar a la meta.
2.- Selecciona tres oraciones e indica:- Frase nominal, pre y post modificadores y núcleo
- Frase verbal, núcleo.
- Tiempo verbal de la oración.
- Frase verbal, núcleo.
- Tiempo verbal de la oración.
a. Performance standards may be set by staff or managers, by managers and staff, or by managers with input from employees whose performance is being measured.
frase nominal: Performance standars.
núcleo: standards.
pre-modificador: performance
Frase verbal: may be set by staff or managers, by managers and staff, or by managers with input from employees whose performance is being measured.
núcleo: may be set
tiempo verbal: voz pasiva
b.The last method is the best because employees believe that line and staff do not have enough information about the conditions of various jobs to set realistic standards.
frase nominal: The last method
núcleo: method
pre-modificador : The last
Frase verbal: is the best because employees believe that line and staff do not have enough information about the conditions of various jobs to set realistic standards.
núcleo: is
tiempo verbal: presente simple.
c.Managers should see that objectives and standards are measurable and that individuals are held accountable for their accomplishment.
frase nominal: Managers
núcleo: Managers
pre-modificador :
Frase verbal: should see that objectives and standards are measurable and that individuals are held accountable for their accomplishment.
núcleo:should see
tiempo verbal: modal .
UNIDAD I . Uso del Dictionary
1. En el siguiente texto buscar cinco palabras que no conozcamos y colocar el significado del diccionario .Usar abreviaturas.
The Management Planning Process
Few managers realize that a company plan must provide the framework for the company control system. If missions, goals, strategies, objectives, and plans change, then controls should change. Unfortunately, they seldom do. Although this error occurs at the top, repercussions are felt at all levels.
Often, too, the standards of the control systems are derived from previous years budgets rather than from current objectives of company plans The result is that employees at lower levels are simply given "numbers to make" based on factors of which they have little knowledge and over which they have practically no influence.
The above schematic shows the important interrelationships between planning and control. As you can see, the control process does not begin after the entire planning process ends, as most managers believe.
After objectives are set in the first step of the planning process, appropriate standards should be developed for them. Standards are units of measurement established to serve as a reference base and are useful in determining time lines, sequences of activities, scheduling, and allocation of resources.
Palabras nuevas:
framework n.estructura básica de un proyecto.( de contenido)
seldom adv. rara vez.(de contenido)
budgets s. presupuestos.(de contenido)
schematic adj diagrama, esquema.(de contenido)
developed vb desarrollada.(de contenido)
sustantivos:managers, control system,controls,plans,employees, control process,standards.
verbos: realize,provide,change,are felt, are derived, have, show ,see, believe,be developed.
adjetivos: current.
adjetivos demostrativos : this, that.
adverbios: few,often, too.
conjunciones:and, Although.
artículos: the, a
preposiciones: at, over, after,from, between.
cognados verdaderos: company,control, activities,objectives,important,systems, process,error.
cognados falsos:
sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011
Bienvenidos a Mi Blog
¡Gracias por visitar mi blog! Soy Nancy Porras, soy ingeniero industrial y actualmente estoy iniciando el Postgrado de Proyectos Industriales en URBE y al mismo tiempo estoy estudiando inglés en CEVAZ.
Este blog esta orientado a todo público estudiantil,ya que, podrán encontrar ejercicios didácticos para poder comprender en forma sencilla algún texto en inglés que quieran estudiar.
En este espacio aspiro desarrollar las destrezas y compartir conocimientos con todos uds. y que me puedan seguir a través de esta herramienta.
Este blog esta orientado a todo público estudiantil,ya que, podrán encontrar ejercicios didácticos para poder comprender en forma sencilla algún texto en inglés que quieran estudiar.
En este espacio aspiro desarrollar las destrezas y compartir conocimientos con todos uds. y que me puedan seguir a través de esta herramienta.
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